Join us today by supporting our programs. The donations you give will go a long way in ensuring that we are able to positively impact the lives of many children and women affected by gender based violence.
Please support our first cause.
Training the Trainers

With your kind donation, we would like to train 20 future trainers who will be based in Kenya. They will be part of the first group of trainers to be able to deliver the I Am My Bodyguard workshop to the age groups
• 6 to 10-year old
• 11 to 15-year old
The I Am My Bodyguard Train The Trainer workshop guides future Instructors through the curriculum in the course of five days to teach our Awareness Assertive and Self-Defense Workshop.
Our curriculum is based on the simple premise of:
If I had 5 hours to teach a group of children with no previous awareness assertive or self-defense training, what would I teach them?
Your donation will go towards
• Transportation for the trainers
• Boarding for students and trainers in Kenya
• Rental of training premises
• Supply of training equipment
Please support our second cause.
Empowering children. Ending sexual abuse

We urgently need your help to fund our next expedition to train underprivileged children, which is planned for the end of November 2019. With these funds we will teach more than 1000 children and at the same time give the new Kenyan instructors valuable experience in order for them to run workshops on their own in the future.
Your donation will help equip children with the life skills needed to protect themselves and considerably reduce the chances of them becoming victims to the ever present violence in the environments they live in. It costs as little as 15 Swiss Francs or US Dollars to train one child; giving her/him a good chance not to become a victim.
Your donation will go a long way to prevent stories such as what happened to Agatha, who we met at a girls’ refuge on our last trip. She was raped at the age of 14 by a close relative and got pregnant as a consequence. She was then disowned and kicked out by her family and found herself on the streets. Did you know that your donation will pay for the training of one trainer who will the have the skills to train other children and women?