Leave a positive social impact by partnering with I Am My Bodyguard and helping us to expand our reach.

Foundation Partnership

We would like to work with your organization to create a shared value partnership, a common purpose, and help build a strong corporate ethos. Corporate Social Responsibility enhances brand profile, boosts customer loyalty, engages employees, increases sales and provides access to key global market expertise and knowledge.

Corporate Partnership

We would like to work with your organization to create a shared value partnership, a common purpose, and help build a strong corporate ethos. Corporate Social Responsibility enhances brand profile, boosts customer loyalty, engages employees, increases sales and provides access to key global market expertise and knowledge.

Corporate Awareness Partnership

We are passionate about spreading personal security awareness to everybody. Through our associated companies Excel Security Solutions AG (Switzerland) and Crossbow Risk Solutions Ltd. (Kenya), we can offer various security and safety related corporate trainings to your management, your employees and their families. The workshops are interactive and will be tailored to your specific needs. They can be organised as an educational and/or team-building event.

Part of the proceeds from these workshops will go to the IAMB Foundation.

Individual or Family Philanthropy

Our shared world depends as much on an increase in moral sensibility as it does on a sense of duty to the less fortunate. Albert Einstein said, ‘Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile’. We work with family foundations, wealthy individuals and families to drive philanthropy in support of our programs worldwide. 

For a mother and child empowered with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves, the risk of suffering from sexual and gender-based violence reduces greatly. 

Your investment in us is an investment in their future: a future in which the health, education, employment and economic prospects of our workshop participants are nurtured and strengthened greatly.

We would like you to play a vital role in supporting I Am My Bodyguard. If there is a country where you would like to introduce I Am My Bodyguard as a unique preference and philanthropic goal, we will be honoured to follow through.

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